Early this year we as The Coastal Crew were presented with an opportunity to be part of the 2010 Red Bull Rampage. I was asked by Freeride Entertainment to help document our Rampage experience for the event DVD. We are all very stoked that we were able to be a part of this unreal event. Check out the teaser below.
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Sunday, November 21, 2010
2010 Year End Slide
This season has taken us to many places, produced many shoots and opened our eyes to what this world holds for us as mountain bikers. This slide show it composed of all the images collected through out the year during our travels.
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Out of the Shadows - On Sale Now!!
Our good friend and photographer Nicolas Teichrob of Dendrite Studios recently produced a ski film called Out of the Shadows, and is now available on DVD, HD Download & Mobile SD download. This is a film done with no budget, just fueled by a strong vision and passion for the sport. Help support the guys making it happen, order a DVD or download the film in HD for $1.99.
Check out the teaser below.
Proudly shot in the mountains of British Columbia, Out of the Shadows features the finest athletes who have been in the shadows for too long. This is their shot and their opportunity to break out on film. They bring their lives with them and shred the mountains with un-inhibited passion on a daily basis. We bring you their stories.
Featuring the return of PY Leblanc, the forgotten legend Chris Turpin, World Champion Brett Crabtree, Swedish sensation Jon Larsson, and a giant swarm of new comers including Maxim Arsenault, Eliel Hindert, Christian Boucher, Dave Treadway, Mathieu Gagnon Theriault, Ian Cheddar Watson, Dave Gheriani, Adam Topshee, Alex Blais, Athan Merrick, Jake Cohn and Matt Elliott.
Check out the teaser below.
Proudly shot in the mountains of British Columbia, Out of the Shadows features the finest athletes who have been in the shadows for too long. This is their shot and their opportunity to break out on film. They bring their lives with them and shred the mountains with un-inhibited passion on a daily basis. We bring you their stories.
Featuring the return of PY Leblanc, the forgotten legend Chris Turpin, World Champion Brett Crabtree, Swedish sensation Jon Larsson, and a giant swarm of new comers including Maxim Arsenault, Eliel Hindert, Christian Boucher, Dave Treadway, Mathieu Gagnon Theriault, Ian Cheddar Watson, Dave Gheriani, Adam Topshee, Alex Blais, Athan Merrick, Jake Cohn and Matt Elliott.
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Friday, October 8, 2010
Mason Mashon Photography
Check out Mason's 2010 photo slide show. I have never been so fired up by a slide show before. Get out and ride!
Saturday, September 18, 2010
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Coastal Crew Ep.10 - Time For a Change
We, The Coastal Crew have decided to focus our efforts in a similar but different direction, hence the title. Expect a periodic supplement of the web persuasion to hit this vast worldwide connector from time to time, but nothing to the extent of this seasons. We have appreciated all the positive props and support, but a collective decision has been made to put a stopper in this fine web-video bottle and shift our creative direction towards ...
Words By David Peacock
The Blackbox Labs van, The Coastal Crew’s diesel fueled, human filled bike transporter became the only solid home that our six-man troop knew for two weeks. We started, after driving east for an eternity to Fernie, BC, then west through Rossland and finally finishing off with Silver Star. To say the least we are stoked with what we’d accomplished. All of that can be seen in the road trip video put together by The crew, but for now, enjoy a narrative taste of our journey to three of BC’s primary riding destinations.
While the behemoths of the mountain bike park industry draw all of the attention and crowds, a morsel of mountain bike cheese remains uneaten by the down hilling masses. Do you remember the trails, often remote or impossible to find, that incur a collective yearning amongst the group for more? Often these ribbons of dirt prompt calls for lift access because they are pure, they are unencumbered by clumsy incumbents who are responsible for the alteration of trails to suit the mountain bike park mold. Fernie Alpine Resort does not fit that casting; it is everything other parks are missing, and everything other parks wish they had.
Fernie is the premier bike park of the most infamous North American mountain range: The Rockies. The trails that string their sinuous selves around the mountain’s peaks vary in every imaginable category. There are a collection of rocky, steep, technical trails that feed into strips of forested loam and finish with wide open berms and jumps, which are quite possibly the most decadent of mountain biking’s many joys. It is an irrefutable truth that Fernie is a DH and a free ride heaven.

Even if one disregards the extensive on-hill trail network, Fernie is still an amazing place to visit because of wildlife, sky-scraping off-hill shuttles and the Elk River. During our short stay we bore witness to more than 10 bears and countless deer. All of these animals were passive around humans, but one must always remember to exercise caution when dealing with wild animals. As professional photographer Nic Teichrob put it so candidly while we shuttled the trails, “welcome to the zoo”, in reference to a mother bear toting along three miniscule bear-lets. The cubs were so small they looked as though they had been lifted straight out of the local toy store. Needless to say, they weren’t, despite Kyle Norbraten’s assurance that these were “friendly bears”.
The service and amenities provided by the resort were unbelievable as well. We arrived the week before the resort was scheduled to open, but Mark and his trail crew made themselves available to shuttle us. Driving to the top of a ski resort to ride was a bizarre experience, but it speaks volumes about the dedication of the people at Fernie Alpine Resort. We stayed at the Lizard Creek Lodge, which is directly adjacent to the Elk chair; while we were in the unique position of not using the lifts, it was apparent that our accommodations were second to none in terms of both location and amenities. Free breakfasts for all!

With Fernie finished, we re-boarded our intra-provincial space ship, Curtis Robinson kicked the Blackbox van into warp drive, and we arrived in Rossland mere hours later. Once in Mike Hopkins’ and my own hometown, we unloaded gear and bodies into respective dwellings, and after a quick trip to Dylan’s much beloved Sunshine CafĂ©, the trails were once again calling. First up was a section of the Trans-Canada Trail known as the Dewdney. While the Dewdney is undisputedly one of the most fun trails I’ve ever ridden, we overlooked a particular detail that would make our filming experience less than enjoyable: mosquitoes. It seemed that every portion that was suitable for filming was also under the threat of nuclear bugs. These were not ordinary proboscis toting mozzies, but vicious, saber-wielding insects seeking out bare flesh with an untold vengeance. Frustrated with this, we left the trail in somewhat of a hurry, taking the small amount of footage that Hopkins and Norbz were able to get with us. Afterwards, we rode two trails purely for fun, while Mike kindly took a break from destroying corners to shuttle us. Whiskey Trail was probably the highlight of our time in Rossland, if you’re ever at Red Resort in the summer remember to spend some time on the old school trails!

The road beckoning, we hit the pavement once again and made our merry way to Silver Star, where the driving range in Vernon greeted us with open arms and some quizzical looks. After displacing numerous balls onto the adjacent highway, and accidentally dismantling a golf club, we made the collective decision that it was time to get back to what we were used to: riding bikes. Silver Star’s trails are awesome, there’s nothing else to be said on the subject. With transfer lines, countless berms, and some man-sized triples that Curtis and Kyle claimed, the footage should speak for itself.
From there, Hopkins headed to Chatel, France. Nic Teichrob ended up back on the Sunshine Coast. The Coastal Crew piloted the Blackbox Labs van to Whistler for 5 weeks of coaching at Summer Gravity Camps. I went home to Rossland to do…whatever it is that I do. And thus, our trip was finished.
Words By David Peacock
The Blackbox Labs van, The Coastal Crew’s diesel fueled, human filled bike transporter became the only solid home that our six-man troop knew for two weeks. We started, after driving east for an eternity to Fernie, BC, then west through Rossland and finally finishing off with Silver Star. To say the least we are stoked with what we’d accomplished. All of that can be seen in the road trip video put together by The crew, but for now, enjoy a narrative taste of our journey to three of BC’s primary riding destinations.
While the behemoths of the mountain bike park industry draw all of the attention and crowds, a morsel of mountain bike cheese remains uneaten by the down hilling masses. Do you remember the trails, often remote or impossible to find, that incur a collective yearning amongst the group for more? Often these ribbons of dirt prompt calls for lift access because they are pure, they are unencumbered by clumsy incumbents who are responsible for the alteration of trails to suit the mountain bike park mold. Fernie Alpine Resort does not fit that casting; it is everything other parks are missing, and everything other parks wish they had.
Fernie is the premier bike park of the most infamous North American mountain range: The Rockies. The trails that string their sinuous selves around the mountain’s peaks vary in every imaginable category. There are a collection of rocky, steep, technical trails that feed into strips of forested loam and finish with wide open berms and jumps, which are quite possibly the most decadent of mountain biking’s many joys. It is an irrefutable truth that Fernie is a DH and a free ride heaven.

Even if one disregards the extensive on-hill trail network, Fernie is still an amazing place to visit because of wildlife, sky-scraping off-hill shuttles and the Elk River. During our short stay we bore witness to more than 10 bears and countless deer. All of these animals were passive around humans, but one must always remember to exercise caution when dealing with wild animals. As professional photographer Nic Teichrob put it so candidly while we shuttled the trails, “welcome to the zoo”, in reference to a mother bear toting along three miniscule bear-lets. The cubs were so small they looked as though they had been lifted straight out of the local toy store. Needless to say, they weren’t, despite Kyle Norbraten’s assurance that these were “friendly bears”.
The service and amenities provided by the resort were unbelievable as well. We arrived the week before the resort was scheduled to open, but Mark and his trail crew made themselves available to shuttle us. Driving to the top of a ski resort to ride was a bizarre experience, but it speaks volumes about the dedication of the people at Fernie Alpine Resort. We stayed at the Lizard Creek Lodge, which is directly adjacent to the Elk chair; while we were in the unique position of not using the lifts, it was apparent that our accommodations were second to none in terms of both location and amenities. Free breakfasts for all!

With Fernie finished, we re-boarded our intra-provincial space ship, Curtis Robinson kicked the Blackbox van into warp drive, and we arrived in Rossland mere hours later. Once in Mike Hopkins’ and my own hometown, we unloaded gear and bodies into respective dwellings, and after a quick trip to Dylan’s much beloved Sunshine CafĂ©, the trails were once again calling. First up was a section of the Trans-Canada Trail known as the Dewdney. While the Dewdney is undisputedly one of the most fun trails I’ve ever ridden, we overlooked a particular detail that would make our filming experience less than enjoyable: mosquitoes. It seemed that every portion that was suitable for filming was also under the threat of nuclear bugs. These were not ordinary proboscis toting mozzies, but vicious, saber-wielding insects seeking out bare flesh with an untold vengeance. Frustrated with this, we left the trail in somewhat of a hurry, taking the small amount of footage that Hopkins and Norbz were able to get with us. Afterwards, we rode two trails purely for fun, while Mike kindly took a break from destroying corners to shuttle us. Whiskey Trail was probably the highlight of our time in Rossland, if you’re ever at Red Resort in the summer remember to spend some time on the old school trails!

The road beckoning, we hit the pavement once again and made our merry way to Silver Star, where the driving range in Vernon greeted us with open arms and some quizzical looks. After displacing numerous balls onto the adjacent highway, and accidentally dismantling a golf club, we made the collective decision that it was time to get back to what we were used to: riding bikes. Silver Star’s trails are awesome, there’s nothing else to be said on the subject. With transfer lines, countless berms, and some man-sized triples that Curtis and Kyle claimed, the footage should speak for itself.
From there, Hopkins headed to Chatel, France. Nic Teichrob ended up back on the Sunshine Coast. The Coastal Crew piloted the Blackbox Labs van to Whistler for 5 weeks of coaching at Summer Gravity Camps. I went home to Rossland to do…whatever it is that I do. And thus, our trip was finished.
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Deep Summer Photo Contest
During Crankworx this year Nicolas Teichrob, Kyle Norbraten, Curtis Robinson and I were lucky enough to earn a place in this years Deep Summer Showdown. We had 3 days to shoot and one day to edit the slide show. It was an intense few days of shooting and Techy KILLED it! We ended up placing second to Jordan Manley. If I were to lose to anyone I would choose Jordan, that guy has an amazing talent behind the lens. A slide not to be missed is wild card Adrian Marcoux's entry below which was an incredible contender! Great work guys!
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Friday, August 13, 2010
Sunday, August 1, 2010
Friday, July 23, 2010
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Saturday, July 17, 2010
Summer Gravity Camps
The three of us, Kyle, Dylan, and myself have been working with Summer Gravity Camps for the past two weeks. Kyle and Myself have been coaching rippers and helping them polish up there already impressive skills, while Dyl has been capturing all of it on film and still imagery. Here's a photo of me with Camper Kenny leading.


Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Ian Morrison & Nick Geddes
Im stoked to see some young BC talent producing some sick mountain bike content. Check out the scrub!
Friday, June 18, 2010
Sunday, June 13, 2010
Coastal Crew Lost Files - February Building
For many reasons not everything we shoot can be released rite when it is shot. We had the opportunity this season to assist in the making of Follow Me, which included shooting & building for the crew. As the release date got closer and closer the Anthill crew needed to wrap Brandon & Stevie’s segment, but needed some more features for the boys to ride.

Lucky for them we had just finished building some new lines, but we had also just finished shooting those lines. We had to make a choice, release the fresh webisode or let the crew move in and shoot our lines.

One thing led to another and we came to the decision that we would rather see Brandon & Stevie shred our fresh lines in the film than release the webisode immediately. After sitting on this edit for so long we can now release it for your enjoyment.

Lucky for them we had just finished building some new lines, but we had also just finished shooting those lines. We had to make a choice, release the fresh webisode or let the crew move in and shoot our lines.

One thing led to another and we came to the decision that we would rather see Brandon & Stevie shred our fresh lines in the film than release the webisode immediately. After sitting on this edit for so long we can now release it for your enjoyment.

Sunday, June 6, 2010
Coastal Crew Ep.8 - Norbraten & Dunkerton
Unlike our other webisodes, episode 8 was not shot in one day, or even one week. Many months of sporadic shoots all led up to this finished piece.
Originally this episode was intended solely for Norbz to send out to sponsors. We later decided that it was too good to leave un seen by the masses, but it was too short to be released.

After adding some new big bike lines to our favorite riding spot, we spent another afternoon shooting Norbz & Dylan Dunkerton. Their riding compliments each other, and tops off this edit. Doing big bike whips never gets old!
Originally this episode was intended solely for Norbz to send out to sponsors. We later decided that it was too good to leave un seen by the masses, but it was too short to be released.

After adding some new big bike lines to our favorite riding spot, we spent another afternoon shooting Norbz & Dylan Dunkerton. Their riding compliments each other, and tops off this edit. Doing big bike whips never gets old!

Friday, June 4, 2010
Dendrite Studios- Official Teaser Release
Tekky Tonic has been up to something this winter. Check it out below.
Dendrite Studios is proud to release the official trailer for our debut 2010 HD ski film "Out of the Shadows."
Proudly shot in the mountains of British Columbia, Out of the Shadows features the finest athletes who have been in the shadows for too long. This is their shot and their opportunity to break out on film. They bring their lives with them and shred the mountains with un-inhibited passion on a daily basis. We bring you their stories.
Featuring the return of PY Leblanc, the forgotten legend Chris Turpin, World Champion Brett Crabtree, Swedish sensation Jon Larsson, and a giant swarm of new comers including Maxim Arsenault, Eliel Hindert, Christian Boucher, Dave Treadway, Mathieu Gagnon Theirault, Ian Cheddar Watson, Dave Gheriani, Adam Topshee, Alex Blais, Athan Merrick, Jake Cohn, Matt Elliot, and Matty Richard.
Arriving in the fall of 2010..
Produced, Directed, Shot, and Edited by Nicolas Teichrob and Athan Merrick of Dendrite Studios.
Stay tuned to dendritestudios.com, and if you are a prospective sponsor looking to back a new, unique, and meaningful ski project, send an email to info(at)dendritestudios.com
Dendrite Studios is proud to release the official trailer for our debut 2010 HD ski film "Out of the Shadows."
Proudly shot in the mountains of British Columbia, Out of the Shadows features the finest athletes who have been in the shadows for too long. This is their shot and their opportunity to break out on film. They bring their lives with them and shred the mountains with un-inhibited passion on a daily basis. We bring you their stories.
Featuring the return of PY Leblanc, the forgotten legend Chris Turpin, World Champion Brett Crabtree, Swedish sensation Jon Larsson, and a giant swarm of new comers including Maxim Arsenault, Eliel Hindert, Christian Boucher, Dave Treadway, Mathieu Gagnon Theirault, Ian Cheddar Watson, Dave Gheriani, Adam Topshee, Alex Blais, Athan Merrick, Jake Cohn, Matt Elliot, and Matty Richard.
Arriving in the fall of 2010..
Produced, Directed, Shot, and Edited by Nicolas Teichrob and Athan Merrick of Dendrite Studios.
Stay tuned to dendritestudios.com, and if you are a prospective sponsor looking to back a new, unique, and meaningful ski project, send an email to info(at)dendritestudios.com
Thursday, June 3, 2010
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Coastal Crew Ep.7 - Opening Weekend
Summer in Whistler is unreal, in every sense of the word. The riding is unreal, the town is unreal, and the women are everywhere. It is also one of the most photographed and filmed locations in Mountain Biking. When Dylan and I were invited to stay with Bear Back Biking for opening weekend we knew the creative challenges that lay ahead. The goal was to take a fresh look at the bike park.

Lines, lines and more lift lines. Opening day was incredible, bright sunshine, blue skies and fresh trails. After a much-needed coffee we met up with our buddy Scotty who was going to help us shoot. Time lapsing has become a big part of what we do; it allows us to condense real life into a unique blast of action. After nailing a couple of establishing shots we got straight down to business. Shooting is a time consuming task at the best of times, but when there are thousands of people riding the trail you are shooting, a whole other challenge appears.

Our vision was to show Whistler through our eyes. I’ve lived here for the past two summers and Dylan has been riding here for years. Riding whistler is not about the amount of runs we can squeeze into a day. It is about riding with the bros, meeting new people and having a blast on the trails. We wanted to bring you into our experience as friends shredding together through Whistler’s lower mountain trail network.

After two full days of shooting, hiking, riding and envisioning we were all beat. A huge thanks goes out to Mark at Bear Back Biking, Wallace chef extraordinaire for looking after us, Whistler Blackcomb and Scott Friebel for wielding the camera all weekend.
Words by Callum Jelley.

Lines, lines and more lift lines. Opening day was incredible, bright sunshine, blue skies and fresh trails. After a much-needed coffee we met up with our buddy Scotty who was going to help us shoot. Time lapsing has become a big part of what we do; it allows us to condense real life into a unique blast of action. After nailing a couple of establishing shots we got straight down to business. Shooting is a time consuming task at the best of times, but when there are thousands of people riding the trail you are shooting, a whole other challenge appears.

Our vision was to show Whistler through our eyes. I’ve lived here for the past two summers and Dylan has been riding here for years. Riding whistler is not about the amount of runs we can squeeze into a day. It is about riding with the bros, meeting new people and having a blast on the trails. We wanted to bring you into our experience as friends shredding together through Whistler’s lower mountain trail network.

After two full days of shooting, hiking, riding and envisioning we were all beat. A huge thanks goes out to Mark at Bear Back Biking, Wallace chef extraordinaire for looking after us, Whistler Blackcomb and Scott Friebel for wielding the camera all weekend.
Words by Callum Jelley.
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Making of Follow Me
Head down to your local shop and pick up Follow Me, it is now on DVD! I cant wait to see the making of, check out a preview below.
Monday, May 10, 2010
Coastal Crew Ep.6 - Day In The Life Of Semenuk
This winter Brandon has been over on the coast hanging out with us quite a bit. We are all pretty similar so it has been great shredding coastal loam together. Brandon has worked really hard to be where he is today; he may make tricks look effortless, but that doesn’t come without many hours per day on the bike. Needless to say, some major sponsors, such as Red Bull, Trek, and SRAM have recognized this. Such support allows Brandon to have a few alternate personas away from the bike. We thought we would see how much fun could possibly be had with Brandon in one day.

Later that evening, we hopped on the ferry and drove up to Brandon's place. A cunning plan was devised for the following day with a tight schedule and a whole lot of fun. We woke up the next morning at 6am and wrestled with Brandon’s shifter cart to get it started. Once the engine fired up, Brandon broke loose on the suburban streets of Squamish, nearly waking an entire neighborhood. Hightailing it south along the ocean, we headed to the coast.

The ferry and Brandon’s rally car provided us with a new light-speed perspective on our travels. Back on the coast, we scoped some roads, shut down a couple of dead end logging roads, and Brandon unleashed the WRX. He has been driving his rally car a lot this winter and it shows.

A day is never complete with Brandon unless he gets some time on one of his bikes. He makes everything look so easy, but his style and consistency comes from many hours in the air and on the trail. As the day wound down the boy wonder wrapped trick after trick in the slow fading forest light. It was another great day on the West coast of B.C. with Brandon Semenuk.

Later that evening, we hopped on the ferry and drove up to Brandon's place. A cunning plan was devised for the following day with a tight schedule and a whole lot of fun. We woke up the next morning at 6am and wrestled with Brandon’s shifter cart to get it started. Once the engine fired up, Brandon broke loose on the suburban streets of Squamish, nearly waking an entire neighborhood. Hightailing it south along the ocean, we headed to the coast.

The ferry and Brandon’s rally car provided us with a new light-speed perspective on our travels. Back on the coast, we scoped some roads, shut down a couple of dead end logging roads, and Brandon unleashed the WRX. He has been driving his rally car a lot this winter and it shows.

A day is never complete with Brandon unless he gets some time on one of his bikes. He makes everything look so easy, but his style and consistency comes from many hours in the air and on the trail. As the day wound down the boy wonder wrapped trick after trick in the slow fading forest light. It was another great day on the West coast of B.C. with Brandon Semenuk.

Kenny Smith
I cant say this vid is our style but its difficult to not get stoked watching Kenny ride. He is a pure die hard shredder.
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Seb Kemp and his 29" .... shred NZ
My old pal Seb Kemp is at it again, this time attaching the New Zealand trails on his 29" Tallboy! All i can say is don't try this at home Seb is a trained nudist!
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Coastal Crew Ep.5 - Sea Otter
Sea Otter is a long trek for most people, especially for those who have to drive down. Fortunately for us, we had a big black diesel van to travel in. It actually felt like a motorhome with the amount of space inside. With the pedal down and the GPS guiding us, we rolled into Monterey, home of the Sea Otter Classic, 18 hours after our departure from Vancouver.

With constant media flowing on the web during the event we decided that Sea Otter needed to be shown in a different light. It’s about the journey, the crowd, the mechanics, the athletes, the race results and the true feeling of the event.

The event itself is like a big social gathering with a bunch of racing squeezed in between. It is always exciting to see all of the new products, all of the people in the industry and everyone’s new sponsors. With racing of all disciplines going on in all directions, it was hard to cover every event, but we worked at capturing a good variety.

This year the weather was on our side, so we soaked up the rays and enjoyed the beautiful California hills before heading home to the coast of B.C.

A big thanks goes out to Terry Cox and crew of College Cyclery for hooking us up with a great place to set up camp

With constant media flowing on the web during the event we decided that Sea Otter needed to be shown in a different light. It’s about the journey, the crowd, the mechanics, the athletes, the race results and the true feeling of the event.

The event itself is like a big social gathering with a bunch of racing squeezed in between. It is always exciting to see all of the new products, all of the people in the industry and everyone’s new sponsors. With racing of all disciplines going on in all directions, it was hard to cover every event, but we worked at capturing a good variety.

This year the weather was on our side, so we soaked up the rays and enjoyed the beautiful California hills before heading home to the coast of B.C.

A big thanks goes out to Terry Cox and crew of College Cyclery for hooking us up with a great place to set up camp
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
New Knolly Podium.
I recently picked up my new Knolly Podium and built it up with some fresh Sram, Avid, Truvativ, Rock Shox, and Chromag goodies. Thanks guys!

Photos courtesy of Nicolas "Tecky" Teichrob.

Photos courtesy of Nicolas "Tecky" Teichrob.
Saturday, April 17, 2010
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
All Out Productions.
Always stoked to see anything from All Out. Check out the teaser for their new film!
Saturday, March 20, 2010
Recent Upgrade.
Thanks to the recent success of our webisodes we have made some serious upgrades. Recently we have picked up a RED one to really up our production quality. Since we now have a 3rd camera we have had to hire an extra man to keep things rolling. We are proud to announce the addition of Darcy Wittenburg to Coastal Crew Productions. We are all stoked to have you on the team Darcy!

.....haha yeah wouldnt that be nice.

.....haha yeah wouldnt that be nice.
Sunday, March 14, 2010
Coastal Crew Ep4. - Pre-season with Mike Hopkins
While the world was worrying about the warm weather for the Olympics, we were reveling it. Mike Hopkins, of many fames, came down to Roberts Creek to hang out and ride with us for a couple of weeks.
Mike is a fantastic guy to spend any amount of time with, his relaxed and calm personality, and most of all, he is really damn good on a bike. While he was here we obviously wanted to shoot and showcase some of Mike's pre-season antics. Why he was here riding on the coast with us and not up to his armpits in snow being a pro skier.

Dylan worked his creative magic shooting video as Curtis, Kyle, Callum and Mike tore a strip out of a rad local trail called Viper. Thanks to a little mild drizzle the trail was in perfect shape and Dyl captured the essence of why we spend as much time as possible riding together on our home trails. There is nothing better than hot laps with your best friends. Period.

It came time to shoot Mike ripping solo. We picked a couple of trails that we thought would best show Mike's power as a rider. After Mike blasting some RC loam was captured, the crew moved on to the final trail we had picked for Mike. This trail showcased the blistering speed and fluidity with which Mike can rail his bike down a mountain. With both cameras rolling and Mike pinning it, the shoot was wrapped up with all the footage in the bag. It was a great couple of weeks with Mike. After we topped it off with a few beach fires, ocean golf and Caribrews.

Photos courtesy of Nicolas Teichrob
Mike is a fantastic guy to spend any amount of time with, his relaxed and calm personality, and most of all, he is really damn good on a bike. While he was here we obviously wanted to shoot and showcase some of Mike's pre-season antics. Why he was here riding on the coast with us and not up to his armpits in snow being a pro skier.

Dylan worked his creative magic shooting video as Curtis, Kyle, Callum and Mike tore a strip out of a rad local trail called Viper. Thanks to a little mild drizzle the trail was in perfect shape and Dyl captured the essence of why we spend as much time as possible riding together on our home trails. There is nothing better than hot laps with your best friends. Period.

It came time to shoot Mike ripping solo. We picked a couple of trails that we thought would best show Mike's power as a rider. After Mike blasting some RC loam was captured, the crew moved on to the final trail we had picked for Mike. This trail showcased the blistering speed and fluidity with which Mike can rail his bike down a mountain. With both cameras rolling and Mike pinning it, the shoot was wrapped up with all the footage in the bag. It was a great couple of weeks with Mike. After we topped it off with a few beach fires, ocean golf and Caribrews.

Photos courtesy of Nicolas Teichrob
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Follow Me!
Hands down, this film captures what mountain biking is all about, pinning it with your friends and having the most fun doing it!
Follow Me - the Teaser from Anthill Films on Vimeo.
Friday, March 5, 2010
Monday, March 1, 2010
Coastal Crew Ep.3 - Dunes & Loam
Thanks to this rather lovely El Nino year, we have had one of the best winters any of us can remember. The days have been bright and mild. The rain has been falling in just the right amounts that the trails have stayed in near perfect condition.
Due to the fact that our local trails were in prime condition, we felt that it was the perfect time to showcase Curtis’ talent for smashing corners, romping at excessive speeds and making it all look way too easy. It’s hard not to love Curty’s style, it’s like a heat seeking missile, quietly stealthy on its path, picking the straightest line to its target and then boom! Goodbye berm/flat turn/loam rut etc.

After a day watching Curtis shred we decided we needed a change. An early morning ferry ride and a 5 hour drive landed us in another world. Our damp hero dirt was replaced with Mars-like space dust and our cedar forests with huge hoodoos. We brought everyone’s favorite ginger photographer Nicolas Tectonic Teichrob with us to capture the action in still form. Curtis took care of most of the filming. We found some really fun lines that day, some made even better by the fact that Dylan and Kyle could ride them side by side.

After lots of laughter and a load of great shots, we set up camp in the wilderness. The next morning we cruised back to our land of loam, shaking the dust out of our hair the whole way home.

Photos courtesy of Nicolas Teichrob.
Due to the fact that our local trails were in prime condition, we felt that it was the perfect time to showcase Curtis’ talent for smashing corners, romping at excessive speeds and making it all look way too easy. It’s hard not to love Curty’s style, it’s like a heat seeking missile, quietly stealthy on its path, picking the straightest line to its target and then boom! Goodbye berm/flat turn/loam rut etc.

After a day watching Curtis shred we decided we needed a change. An early morning ferry ride and a 5 hour drive landed us in another world. Our damp hero dirt was replaced with Mars-like space dust and our cedar forests with huge hoodoos. We brought everyone’s favorite ginger photographer Nicolas Tectonic Teichrob with us to capture the action in still form. Curtis took care of most of the filming. We found some really fun lines that day, some made even better by the fact that Dylan and Kyle could ride them side by side.

After lots of laughter and a load of great shots, we set up camp in the wilderness. The next morning we cruised back to our land of loam, shaking the dust out of our hair the whole way home.

Photos courtesy of Nicolas Teichrob.
Monday, February 15, 2010
Coastal Crew Ep.2 - Semenuk and Norbraten Get the Shot.
A huge part of our lives as riders, builders and filmmakers is collaborating with other people who feel the same passion for this so called sport as we do. Nicolas Teichrob, aka Teky is an enthusiastic local photographer and a great friend of ours. He’s always down to shoot come rain, snow, shine, or in this case, arctic temperatures. His energy for shooting is portrayed in his shots and so we felt it was time to bring you into his world and show you what it takes to Get The Shot.
We are blessed on the coast with some unbelievable weather and scenery but often it’s the light that we wait for, not the weather. So on a sunny but freezing day in December 2009, we were hit with perfect conditions: high pressure, blue skies and an unreal sunset. Brandon Semenuk drove over to join us and the shoot was on. The setting: a clear cut looking over the ocean. The stunt: a step up to 12 ft drop. The goal: to capture Kyle Norbraten and Brandon Semenuk 3’ing the drop successively.

We knew that we had, at most, 1 hour to get the shot and shoot the webisode. On the drive up, Dylan and Cal were planning the shots, Teky was setting up both a time-lapse for the webisode and his shots, and Brandon and Kyle warmed up on their bikes. And by warmed up we mean defrosting their goggles and trying to keep their hands from freezing.

We reeled off shot after shot while Brandon and Kyle dropped perfect 3’s time and time again, golden light filled the sky and everything went mad as Dyl and Cal were bolting from shot to shot, Brandon and Kyle were running laps of the drop and Teky was running around getting every shot dialed. After those few frantic moments, the sun was gone, the shots captured and smiles had all around. Stay tuned to bike magazines near you for more of Teky's shots from this shoot.

Photos courtesy of Nicolas Teichrob.
We have a series of webisodes we would like to release over time and if you are a company interested in being the presenting sponsor in one, please contact us at dylandunkerton at hotmail.com
We are blessed on the coast with some unbelievable weather and scenery but often it’s the light that we wait for, not the weather. So on a sunny but freezing day in December 2009, we were hit with perfect conditions: high pressure, blue skies and an unreal sunset. Brandon Semenuk drove over to join us and the shoot was on. The setting: a clear cut looking over the ocean. The stunt: a step up to 12 ft drop. The goal: to capture Kyle Norbraten and Brandon Semenuk 3’ing the drop successively.

We knew that we had, at most, 1 hour to get the shot and shoot the webisode. On the drive up, Dylan and Cal were planning the shots, Teky was setting up both a time-lapse for the webisode and his shots, and Brandon and Kyle warmed up on their bikes. And by warmed up we mean defrosting their goggles and trying to keep their hands from freezing.

We reeled off shot after shot while Brandon and Kyle dropped perfect 3’s time and time again, golden light filled the sky and everything went mad as Dyl and Cal were bolting from shot to shot, Brandon and Kyle were running laps of the drop and Teky was running around getting every shot dialed. After those few frantic moments, the sun was gone, the shots captured and smiles had all around. Stay tuned to bike magazines near you for more of Teky's shots from this shoot.

Photos courtesy of Nicolas Teichrob.
We have a series of webisodes we would like to release over time and if you are a company interested in being the presenting sponsor in one, please contact us at dylandunkerton at hotmail.com
Friday, February 12, 2010
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Chromag Goodness!
Here's a few new colors and models from Chromag that we are running this year. These new products and designs are bangin!
Fresh design for the Lynx DT saddle and the solid new boXXer direct mount stem. Keeping it light, simple and strong while enforcing confidence and style.
All new Semenuk Overture saddle. Direct input and approval of Brandon himself for this all-round saddle. It's ideal for slopestyle/freeride type riding with a perfect pinch zone for the knees and beefy rails. This lil guy comes in black, white, blue, orange and red.
The Fubar OS and OSX are still coming in a wide range of colors, with even more options to add this year. The black chrome is one hell of a sick addition to the cockpit. Can't go wrong with this one.
Check out Chromag for the rest of the lines, color choices and info! Thanks Ian for the fresh goods!
Fresh design for the Lynx DT saddle and the solid new boXXer direct mount stem. Keeping it light, simple and strong while enforcing confidence and style.
All new Semenuk Overture saddle. Direct input and approval of Brandon himself for this all-round saddle. It's ideal for slopestyle/freeride type riding with a perfect pinch zone for the knees and beefy rails. This lil guy comes in black, white, blue, orange and red.
The Fubar OS and OSX are still coming in a wide range of colors, with even more options to add this year. The black chrome is one hell of a sick addition to the cockpit. Can't go wrong with this one.
Check out Chromag for the rest of the lines, color choices and info! Thanks Ian for the fresh goods!
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Coastal Crew Ep.1 - Saturday
Coastal Crew Productions would like to proudly present the first of many webisodes documenting our lifestyle as passionate mountain bikers. We have a dialed zone where we had built some unique lines for our segment in Kranked Revolve. We as riders, builders and filmmakers felt that these lines deserved more than just a handful of shots in a movie. After all, this is our home and is the continuing scene for many afternoons of laughter and good times. One bright Saturday morning in October 2009, we decided to shoot our first webisode. Our goal was to give you, the viewer, a more detailed and rider influenced feel of the lines. Utilizing our new Canon 7d and incorporating the vision of both Dylan and Cal, we were all smiles for a day in the office. The key to all of our work is our work ethic. We have no budget but we do this because we want to push our creativity in terms of building, riding and film making, in order to show you what is possible when you have a great group of friends and a vivid passion for what you do.
We are always looking for new ways to showcase what we do, whether it means getting into ridiculous positions to get the perfect angle or building a new piece of equipment to get the shot exactly how we see it in our heads. Another big part of our ethos is not forcing anything; we want you to feel like you are in the zone and hanging out just like you would do in your local spot with your friends.

After a morning of unbelievable productivity we had already got most of the shots we wanted and Dylan was rapidly sequencing them while trying not to get his lunch all over his laptop. Just as we were heading back up, our good pal Brendan Howey showed up and because we like him and he has a bright orange bike we brought him up to rip for the afternoon.

Another rider always means more fun and before we knew it, the light was fading and the shoot was wrapping up. Another great Saturday on the Coast, riding hard and playing in the dirt. We hope you enjoy it!
Photos courtesy of Nicolas Teichrob.
We have a series of webisodes we would like to release over time and if you are a company interested in being the presenting sponsor in one, please contact us at dylandunkerton@hotmail.com
We are always looking for new ways to showcase what we do, whether it means getting into ridiculous positions to get the perfect angle or building a new piece of equipment to get the shot exactly how we see it in our heads. Another big part of our ethos is not forcing anything; we want you to feel like you are in the zone and hanging out just like you would do in your local spot with your friends.

After a morning of unbelievable productivity we had already got most of the shots we wanted and Dylan was rapidly sequencing them while trying not to get his lunch all over his laptop. Just as we were heading back up, our good pal Brendan Howey showed up and because we like him and he has a bright orange bike we brought him up to rip for the afternoon.

Another rider always means more fun and before we knew it, the light was fading and the shoot was wrapping up. Another great Saturday on the Coast, riding hard and playing in the dirt. We hope you enjoy it!
Photos courtesy of Nicolas Teichrob.
We have a series of webisodes we would like to release over time and if you are a company interested in being the presenting sponsor in one, please contact us at dylandunkerton@hotmail.com
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Seb Kemp 29er loving in Mexico
OK i understand that 29ers are not fashionable and under no, well most, circumstances should not be encouraged. But my good friend and international summer follower Seb Kemp has been in Mexico for the past 3 months building an incredible piece of trail hundreds of miles from anywhere and tearing it a new one of his Santa Cruz tallboy 29er. Check out his point-and-shoot filmed Mexican odyssey.
Friday, January 22, 2010
Anthill - Behind The Scenes
Looks like the talented guys of Anthill will be providing a behind the scenes series with the DVD. Check out the BC Bike Park Episode.
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Anthill Build
We have been lucky enough to work with the Anthill boys this year on Brandon & Stevie's segment for "Follow Me". Check out how we helped prep for the shoots.
Thursday, January 14, 2010
James Stewart practice session
Been super stoked on watching moto lately, and here JS shows you how fun practice is..
Saturday, January 9, 2010
Ride to the Hills
This film came out almost a decade ago, and played a major role in my passion for riding a bike. Years later it still has a major influence on my outlook of our sport every time I watch it(when theres a working VCR around). Riders to first descents, cinematography to locations, its hard to explain how iconic this film is. Im no historian but pretty sure I can easily say it's had a huge impact on freeride mountain biking as well. I mean, Watson and Shandro stomped the 'Mullet Line', a multi hit big mountain line that introduced us to Utah's massive potential! Vanderham(back then, truly 'the Kid') was breaking onto the scene as the young talent who all of us aspired to ride like(and we all still do)! The guys behind the lenses have gone on to continue bringing us the imagery and movies we drool over. Leech had his best segement ever. And everyone rode big bikes and it was all about style! One person missing was Berrecloth but he wasn't far around the corner. I think I was about 15 when I first saw this video, and seeing Watson, Simmons and the crew up in the coastal alpine was nothing less than motivational. I looked up to all these guys(still do) and all I could think was how much I wanted to experience those epic spots on my bike, and how awesome it was that these guys were doing it, because they loved it! This movie is going to live on as the best documentation of our first strong steps into true freeriding. I could go on forever about my thoughts on this video, but il keep it short for now. Thanks everyone involved! PS...i want this on DVD.
Friday, January 8, 2010
Rilor Wilderness pt 2
Check out what Riley has to offer from Rilor Wilderness! Stoked to get out there and ride some incredible trails!
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